She is supporting her family of 7. She lives in Cuvu village Sigatoka. She used to sell artifacts at the local hotel prior to the pandemic. They have not had any income for the past 2 years. They go out fishing daily to make ends meet for the family.

Meet Qiwa Asenaca Melekini

Buy A Bracelet To Help Qiwa Help Her Family

Her husband recently had a stroke and has been out of work for about 12 months. They have three kids. They use the river to gather food and have a backyard garden to support their family.

Meet Asante Marama Delana

Buy A Bracelet To Help Asante Help Herself And Her Family

She is a young single adult who supports her mum and is saving money to further her education.

Meet Sereana from Voua Village.

Buy A Bracelet To Help Sereana Help Her Mum

She lives with her husband in Navuevu Villlage. She is 63 years old and sells custard apples or pawpaw by the road to make ends meet.

Meet Sesenieli Naborisi

Buy A Bracelet To Help Sesenieli Help Her Family

She is a single mum and used to sing at hotels. She has been unemployed for about three years now. She does hair braiding whenever she has a client to get some money.

Meet Takayawa from Olosara

Buy A Bracelet To Help Takayawa Help Her Family

She lives in Cuvu Village. She worked at the Fijian Resort as a house keeper but was out of work due to the pandemic. She is the sole bread winner for her family. She supports her family by catching fish and other seafood. She has little kids who need diapers, baby food and other items.

Meet Vilomena Liku Raisokula

Buy A Bracelet To Help Vilomena Help Her Family

What Is Bracelets For Fiji?

Imagine living on a remote island where most of your economy is driven by tourism. Now imagine tourism was brought to a screeching halt. That's exactly what happened to Fiji when COVID changed the way the world operates. As a result, many families are struggling for just the bare necessities. (You can read some of their stories above.)

Bracelets For Fiji provides an opportunity for Fijian residents in need to provide a product for purchase to thoughtful and generous people (like you) that allows them to improve their situation without just taking a handout. When you purchase a Friendship Bracelet, you are helping those in need help their families. And while it's a very forgettable amount of money for you to spend, it makes a life-changing difference for those making the bracelets.

Bracelets That Make A Unique Difference

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"Try to be a rainbow in someone else's cloud." - Maya Angelou

Buy A Bracelet

"We rise by lifting others" - Robert Ingersol

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my bracelet look a little different?

It’s called character! Every bracelet is made by a unique person in Fiji. They are trained but they are not factory workers. Any irregularity you might see is because they are made by real people in real need.

Who made my bracelet?

We are working on a way to tag each bracelet so you can know who exactly made your bracelet. For now, you can know your bracelet was made by someone in or near Cuvu and Olosara Fiji. A mom, a son, a grandma, these are all of the types of people who would have made your bracelet.

How much of my purchase goes to Fiji?

We are a for profit business because we believe the best way we can scale for good is to produce more than we consume. The company limits profit at near break even. The less we spend on shipping, advertising, website, etc.. the more goes to Fiji. We are very cost conscience.

What can I do to help?

Spread the word to your friends and family. The more bracelets that are purchased the more we can buy from Fiji. Want a subscription to get a new bracelet every month, sign up here….

What if I have an idea:

If you have an idea of how to sell more or a place that can be blessed by producing bracelets, please contact us and share your idea.

I didn’t receive my bracelet, what do I do?

Check your mailbox. All bracelets are sent via USPS in an envelope that is clearly marked. Still can’t find it, shoot us an email.